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Ted, Deer - UPDATE December 23, 2017

The highlight yesterday was seeing Ted and hearing his sweet, welcoming grunts, and seeing his tongue come out in the ultimate gesture of bear friendship. I felt privileged. It was part of the news broadcast shoot about the bear attacks. Broken antler and fork horn deerBroken antler and fork horn deerTed was showing that bears have a kind side and that people can see that at the North American Bear Center. It may be broadcasted Monday if it is not pre-empted by other news.

Out the window, the deer with the broken antler was here with his buddy who could be a sibling. It could also be that the doe he is friendly with is a sibling too, although it is mating season. Out on the lake, the older 10-point buck was cautiously making his way, pausing for minutes at a time to scan and listen ahead. Finally, something scared him and he ran back the way he had come and off into the woods.

I’m looking forward to Christmas. Donna and I agreed we’d take the whole day off and just be together. She made me promise not to talk on the phone or bring home homework. We’re just going to have fun. Overdue.

10-pt buck10-pt buck 10-pt buck running10-pt buck running

Merry Christmas
Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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