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I Think We Won!!! - UPDATE July 5, 2018

As Lily Fans roared forward with unbelievable fervor, registering a record 500 votes today, a competitor registered over 600 votes per hour at times. Pono Ukulele Contest PrizePono Ukulele Contest PrizeWe were crestfallen. Then the competitor disappeared. We don't understand it, but I think it means we won. Thank you!! I'm waiting for Al and Kim to be officially notified that they won, but what I'd like to do next is get suggestions for what to name their ukulele. Al and Kim say I can do that. I don't know how I'll do that without a dial tone, email, internet, or WiFi, but someone will figure that out by the end of tomorrow. Feeling Black Bear Strong with you!

Listen to the grand prize

Click here for more info on the ukulele

Thank you for showing Al and Kim how much we all appreciate what they did for all of us, especially the bears!

(Editor's note: The ukulele page appears to still be registering votes, but rest assured, the contest is over.  No need to continue voting.)

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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