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Bears, Deer, GiveMN, and Black Bear Field Course Registration - UPDATE November 1, 2017

Comparing visits and pictures, we learned that Quill left here in the afternoon on the 29th and visited another feeding station that evening and every evening since. Pine grosbeaksPine grosbeaksHe’s only a mile away, so he could be back to give a weight. The formula has been sitting out waiting for him since the 29th (temperature around freezing).

Pine marten femalePine marten femaleWith the snow, the deer here have been nuzzling down through it to get vegetation. This young buck with sharp antlers was new to me but seemed to be known by the 7 does here. All but one ran from him, running with their tails tucked under rather than up flashing white. I wondered why they ran. It’s early mating season, but could that be why? Then a doe fawn approached him. He greeted her with a jab of his antlers to her ribs. No wonder the others ran. He’s got a lot to learn.

Deer buckDeer buckWhen he wasn’t around, it was a tranquil scene with deer resting and chewing their cuds. The middle one in the picture chewed her cud 77 times in a minute, including a 5-second pause.

The pine grosbeaks were back again, poking down through the snow to find sunflower seeds and coming up with snow-covered bills.

Deer buck eatingDeer buck eatingThe pine marten was right outside the window and could hear me making noises, but she was too busy with the date mash to acknowledge my noises.

I saw the following on the GiveMN website and copied it here, complete with bold letters and links.

Deer does restingDeer does resting“Give to the Max Day doesn’t take place until Thursday, November 16, but you may make your donation early to count on Minnesota’s giving holiday! Simply visit to search for the causes that mean the most to you and make your gifts. All donations made from now through November 16 will count toward Give to the Max Day totals. All gifts made through November 16 are also eligible for Leaderboards, Golden Tickets and our $10,000 Super-Sized Golden Ticket! In fact, GiveMN is giving away a $500 Scheduled Giving Golden Ticket each day from now until Give to the Max Day—so planning ahead could boost your organizations' chances of winning!”

Deer buck eatingDeer buck eatingThe direct link to North American Bear Center's Give MN page is:

Also, Black Bear Field Course Registration opened today. Here’s the blurb about it:

“Our Black Bear Field Study Courses emphasize daily up-close observation of wild bears to learn their vocalizations, body language, social organization, ecology, and how people can better coexist with bears. Courses are held at the Northwoods Research Center located west of Ely, Minnesota. Participants are housed on site for maximum participation and total immersion in bears. The small class size (8) WRI BrochureWRI Brochuremaximizes individual opportunities to learn under the guidance of Lynn Rogers, Ph.D., as seen on the Animal Planet documentary ‘The Man Who Walks With Bears’ and the BBC documentary 'Bearwalker of the Northwoods.' Daily discussions, presentations, and field trips amplify information learned directly from the bears. Click here for all the details and information on registration”

This link to the brochure tells the story with pictures

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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