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Lily is Safe - UPDATE September 6, 2017

The namesake of Lily Fans is safe. We get daily reports of Lily and her two cubs in an area with no hunters. Similarly, Donna and cubs, Fern, and Jack are being seen daily. Jewel was lethargic and not that hungry the last time she was seen on August 30, so we suspect she has gone to a den. Shadow on August 22, 2017Shadow on August 22, 2017Fern is acting much the same now and should be leaving for a den soon. Five bears have been killed, but we are not aware that any of them were habituated study bears. A report from Big Harry’s location is that he is gaining weight rapidly.

Shadow was last seen two nights ago. She is generally the earliest bear to den up, denning as early as the last week in August, so she should be leaving for a den soon if she has not already.

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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