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More on the Cubs, Ted on a Hot Day - UPDATE May 21, 2021  

I learned more on the cubs. A man arrived in time to see the mother drag a limp cub into the woods while the cub I saw was rolling around. I suspect both got hit on the head by the car. Then the man heard the cub in the woods bawl, and he saw the visible cub become more coordinated. Both apparently were recovering to an extent.Valentines mateValentines mate

Yesterday, Donna and I stopped by there to see if the cub I carried had moved on from the white pine she had gone to just before we left. Today, a man did a thorough search of that patch of woods, looking for carcasses or any sign, sight, or sound of bears. Nothing. It appears they moved on as they continued to recover. I hope they are both okay. Reports of the cubs with Sallyann are that they are both fine. I don’t know for sure if these are the cubs bouncing back like bears sometimes do, or if there is another mother that no one sees. Either way, I hope the cubs are okay.

On this hot day, Ted knew what to do. He took a long and happy bath. "Taught" caught it all in this 15:49-minute video. For over 15 minutes, Ted lay in the water squirming, soaking, and splashing water on himself. Then, apparently satisfied, he hobbled out. It felt good to see him enjoying himself in the cool comfort of the stream.

Out the window, Valentine’s mate is back with his distinctive scars on his nose. We’re still trying to figure out who he is, though. He is here alone, and we haven’t seen Valentine for days.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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