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Feeling Blessed - UPDATE October 3, 2020

WRI DrivewayWRI DrivewayYesterday, I was a slacker. I fell victim to Donna’s urge to drive to Duluth, see color along the way, visit Hawk Ridge, and get a Whopper and a Fish Sandwich from Burger King. In my defense, it has been months since we did something like that. We had a good time; and I felt sharper today, which made me think we should do more of that.

Dark-eyed juncoDark-eyed junco Sharp shinned maleSharp-shinned hawk male

But this morning, I felt extremely blessed to have the life I have surrounded by wildlife and a beautiful view out the window. The feeling hit as golden branches came into view while I drove in. As I held the camera, migrating juncos foraged close as I clicked. At my desk, a sharp-shinned hawk landed 10 feet outside the window and paused before launching into another fruitless chase. A blue jay is vigilantly eyeing him in the picture.

Back in Ely later for a flu shot, I stopped by the Bear Center where Sharon gave me a freshly baked loaf of banana bread.

At the WRI, a couple bears came around sunset.

It’s hard to ask for more than days like these.

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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