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Excitement Builds - UPDATE March 27, 2018

Excitement is building in many directions these days. Broken AntlerBroken Antler

Spring was in the air today with the temperature at 45°F and the recent snow melting.DeerDeer eating

Ted, Lucky, Holly, and Tasha will be up and around when the snow melts. Sharon is back and is giving Ted snacks

Scott and the staff’s broadcast of the new Cub Room coming together over the next few weeks sparked extra excitement. The company doing the work is the same that made the Ecology Hall diorama and the Camping with Bears Exhibit and will be great.

Out the window, I dumped the corn where it wouldn’t sink into the new snow. Then the deer saw me with the camera on the window sill last night and today and weren’t sure what to make of it. A family fed peacefully together. Later today, I think it was Broken Antler who came alone.

;Deer eating corn Deer eating corn


Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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