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Ted in Total Action, Jane Goodall - UPDATE March 25, 2018

Yesterday, a Lily Fan captured this 12:42-minute of Ted in beautiful light, out and in action. Dr. Rogers and Dr. GoodallDr. Lynn Rogers and Dr. Jane GoodallHe walked with a little difficulty, which might be due to unshed foot pads which you can watch him working on in this 4:55-minute video:

Last night was a great night of Jane telling about her history. I couldn’t help but relate. So many similarities of how we got our breaks, problems we faced, and how we began to get close to the animals we so wanted to learn about. I was hoping for some face time with her, and I think I was the only one there who had that. She is always gracious—from the first time I met her on October 30, 1997 and every meeting through now. I thanked her for many things. I mentioned the polar bear trip for fall 2019 but suspect from her assistants that it might be a bit much for her. By then, she will be 85 and I’ll be 80. So that one looks a bit iffy. She is a great speaker—matter of fact, relating to the audience, and getting good reactions. Everyone there loved her. Great enthusiasm. She has done so much for animals—especially chimpanzees. I’m very glad Donna and I went, and I feel lucky to have had good face time with her. I will treasure the two books that the organizer had earlier handed me that she had signed to me. I always mention her as the originator of trust-based studies with large mammals and say that in my studies I use her trust-based methods.

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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