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Fun Day, Good News - UPDATE July 9, 2017

The group had barely arrived when they had experiences they said made it all worthwhile. BurtBurtGentle 12-year-old Burt showed up and calmly let a nurse take his heart rate (98). Then it was Bow’s 6-year-old son Drew, Lucy, and later Ethel and others…and word that One-eyed Jack has been spotted!

TedTedA scat showed why the bears have not been around as much as they could be. The scat was loaded with berries, including a favorite—wild sarsaparilla. A bush backed that up by being loaded with another favorite—juneberries. The bears are having a good year, and my worries about a late frost are relieved.

At the Bear Center, Ted is living the good life—as a Lily Fan captured in a photo.

 EthelEthel  JuneberriesJuneberries

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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