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Cold but Okay - UPDATE February 24, 2022

Deer nuzzling fawnDeer nuzzling fawn Deer licking furDeer licking fur

Driving to the WRI at 7:30 AM on this blue sky day, the official temperature was 42° below. I wondered how animals who don’t have a nice warm office would respond. Everything seemed normal.

Deer nibbling catkinsDeer nibbling catkins Deer removing snowDeer removing snow

One deer was reaching up to nibble tiny catkins from a shrub. Another was standing in the sun using its tongue to groom the fur on its flank and then to get hard-frozen snow off its foot. A mother who looks pregnant with a litter already 4 months along nuzzled the 9-month-old fawn she will stay with until the litter comes due at the end of May.

Chickadee eating seedChickadees carried little sunflower seed hearts to sunny spots where they held them with their feet and pecked off tiny pieces to swallow as this one is doing.

A good work day except for the absence of Pretty Girl. It can’t stay this cold for much longer.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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