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Ted - UPDATE March 24, 2017

A Lily Fan captured three videos of Ted yesterday. I don’t know what he is doing in the first one (2:13 minutes), but it has good views of him in his den.CrowCrow

In the second (2:32 minutes), he is working on his right rear foot pads

In the third (7:16 minutes) he is out foraging for bits of grass and bites of snow and moving pretty well. Good to see.

Spring is coming.

Out the window, big blonde Mr. Marten stopped by for a bite to eat just outside the window from my desk. He took a piece of beef fat to go, as did the crow after the crow sampled a few sunflower seed hearts.

Pine marten male Crow Pine marten male
Pine marten male Crow Pine marten male

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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