Ted, Vinnie, PA Bear, and the Cub Room - UPDATE March 19, 2019

On this 43°F day, Vinnie the Vole appeared at Ted’s chalet, looking the same as he did in Lily’s den back in 2010. Vinnie in Ted's straw- 3/19/19 - YouTube (46 seconds). Somehow Vinnie was also at the Pennsylvania Bear’s den today.Woodchuck first of yearFirst woodchuck of the year

Out the window, Stripe the Mink came up on the second floor deck, saw a piece of bologna in my hand, explored around the deck a bit and didn’t seem hungry. Back at ground level, she departed from the usual and went 130 feet away to the big brush pile where I suspect she hunts mice, which might explain her lack of hunger. WoodchuckWoodchuckWe had the first sighting here of a woodchuck today. It even came up to the second floor deck and looked in the window as it ate sunflower seed hearts. I don’t know if this was the male or female, but I hope to see little woodchucks grow up outside the window again this year. The gray fox had a choice of trout or bologna and ate the trout for several minutes until he went and looked out into the darkness on the alert. Then he came back, took the bologna, and skedaddled.

I saw a nice video today that made me proud of your donations the last couple years to revamp the Cub Room. The video was of the experts who put together an awesome environment for kids to explore, color, and learn. One of the things that fooled me was the replica white pine that holds a mother and two cubs. It looks too real that I assumed it was until I knocked on it and heard the hollow sound. The company that did everything is known for their high quality work as shown in this 3-minute video. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=365989277524071

Ted and vole PA Bear with visitor

Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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