Lucky and Holly - UPDATE April 10, 2018

Holly was happy to see Lucky. When they greeted each other by briefly touching noses, Gray foxGray foxHolly went wild, shaking her head back and forth and then came back to the fence to see if lethargic Lucky would pay any more attention. Who will she play with this year? Lucky? Tasha? Both? Might be an interesting year. I’d love to see Holly playing raucously with one or the other of them or both like Lucky used to play with Ted.

Out the windows, Peggy watched gray foxes and raccoons appear out of the darkness in the wee hours. The foxes favored chicken legs that they tried to dig out of the ice. Raccoons ignored the chicken to eat sunflower seed hearts and dates. When this raccoon left, it demonstrated to her how it could reverse its hip joints to grip the deck with the bottoms of its feet extended backwards. Raccoons can come down trees head first because of that trait—as do squirrels and chipmunks—but not bears.

Gray foxGray fox RaccoonRaccoon... Raccoonnow he's gone!

Thank you for all you do.

Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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